Let´s Go Halal > Cordoba > Experiences > Calahorra Tower

Calahorra Tower

Puente Romano s/n.


+ 11

This Islamic tower (Torre Calahorra), built to guard the access to the Roman Bridge, houses the Museo Vivo de Al Andalus (Alive Museum of Al Andalus). Its three floors and eight rooms show the culture in Al Andalus: the great scholars, the scientific advances. Don't miss the model that reproduces the Great Mosque in its heyday (ending 10th century), once the last enlargement process was completed.

Info & Location

City/Province: Cordoba

Type of Experience: Islamic heritage

Address: Puente Romano s/n.

Opening hours: January, February, November and December: Monday to Sunday, 10:00 -18:00h. October, March, April and May: Monday to Sunday, 10:00 -19:00h. July, August and September: Monday to Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00h / 16:30 - 20:30h.

Price: Adult: € 4,50.  Child under 8 years: free. Groups (from 15 persons): € 3.

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