La Rambla



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We can describe La Rambla as an ever flowing river of life that never sleeps.&nbsp,You'll wander up and down time and time again on Barcelona’s great boulevard.&nbsp,In little over a kilometre, from Plaça de Catalunya to the Columbus monument, close to the sea, you will find the essence of the city.&nbsp,Sunlit cafes and shops, souvenir vendors, street musicians and artists... Locals and tourist are part of the always changing street scene at La Rambla.

Info & Location

City/Province: Barcelona

Type of Experience: Top attractions

Points of interest:

Five stretches, five ramblasLa Rambla, the great promenade built to join the upper part of the city, the mountain side, with Ciutat Vella, the sea side, consists of five stretches with different names.
Rambla CanaletesIt is the first stretch starting from Plaça de Catalunya and heading down towards the port. Here you find the Font de Canaletes, a 19th century fountain where Barça FC fans celebrate their victories.
Rambla dels EstudisMeaning studies... So called because one of the city’s first universities was located here.
Rambla de les FlorsThe only place in 19th century Barcelona where you could buy flowers. Also today.
Rambla dels CaputxinsSo called because of the Capuchin monastery used to be there. On this strecht you will find the famouse Boquería Market, and in front of it, on the paviment, an mosaic by the famouse painter  Joan Miró.
Rambla Santa MónicaIt's where traditionally the artists and painters are located and the strecht which links the boulevard with the sea.

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