Let´s Go Halal > Cordoba > Experiences > Caliphal Baths

Caliphal Baths

Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n, Córdoba.


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In the time of Abd al-Rahman III there were about 300 baths or hammam in Cordoba, which became 600 in al-Mansur times, not counting the baths in the suburbs. Among those that can be visited today, the most important are those of the Caliphal Alcázar, dedicated exclusively to the use of the royal family. The first construction dates from the 10th century, then expanded in the 11th and 13th centuries.

Info & Location

City/Province: Cordoba

Type of Experience: Islamic heritage

Address: Plaza Campo Santo de los Mártires s/n, Córdoba.

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 08:30 - 20:45h. / Saturday: 08:30 - 16:30h. / Sunday: 08:45 - 14:30h. / Monday, closed.

Tourist info: Santa María. They were public baths close to the Alma Mosque. Address: Velázquez Bosco, 8-10.

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