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Let´s Go Halal > Toledo > Things to do > Delicious mazapán

Delicious mazapán

The 'mazapán' (marzipan) is the most famous sweet in Toledo.&nbsp,Almond and sugar&nbsp,are its ingredients. In the historic center you will see numerous pastry shops, some of them centuries old, that sell this delicious delicacy. There are several theories about the origin of marzipan but one of the most accepted says that its origin is Arabic and it arrived in Spain in the times of Al Andalus.&nbsp,Toledo marzipan is a high quality product, protected by strict production standards.

Info & Location

City/Province: Toledo

Type of Experience: Gastronomy

Where: All the pastry shops in Toledo sell the delicious marzipan, but especially those in the historic center. Some of them have made it in their own facilities since the beginning of the 19th century.

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