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Let´s Go Halal > Seville > Things to do > Guadalquivir cruise

Guadalquivir cruise

Guadalquivir (from the Arabic al-wadi l-kabir, 'the big river') is the river of Seville, the only one navigable in Spain. With a total length of 657 kilometers it crosses all of Andalusia. It's essential in Seville, and here it is enjoyed like nowhere else. It played a leading role in many of the city’s historic moments. To sail its waters on a pleasant boat is one of the best ways to discover the history of Seville and enjoy it.

Info & Location

City/Province: Seville

Type of Experience: Top attractions

Where: At the docks on both sides of the Guadalquivir River, especially between both the Isabel II and Los Remedios bridges, you will find different companies that offer river cruises.

Price: Starting from € 15 and no more than € 18 for an hour trip.

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