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Let´s Go Halal > Fuengirola > Hotels and more > Hotel Monarque Cendrillón

Hotel Monarque Cendrillón

Avenida de las Gaviotas, s/n, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga. The property is 3.5 km from Fuengirola Marina and 28 km from Malaga Airport.

This hotel, renovated in 2005 and close to Las Gaviotas beach,&nbsp,contains a total of&nbsp,56 double rooms on 4 floors. Various facilities are available to guests including a vast foyer with a 24-hour reception. Additional facilities include à la carte restaurant, indoor and outdoor swimmingpools&nbsp,and Internet access. Children may let off steam in the kids' club.

Info & Location

City/Province: Fuengirola

Address: Avenida de las Gaviotas, s/n, 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga. The property is 3.5 km from Fuengirola Marina and 28 km from Malaga Airport.

Type of Accommodation: Hotel

Category: 3 stars

Muslim Friendliness:

  • No alcohol in room (at least, on request)

Other facilities & Services

General: Car park on site

Wellness: Outdoor pool / Indoor pool

Food and drink: Restaurant(s)

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