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Let´s Go Halal > Estepona > Restaurants > Masala Estepona

Masala Estepona

Carretera N-340, 2, 29680 El Paraíso, Málaga.

This restaurant located in Estepona belongs to the restaurants cch Masala Group on the Costa del Sol. As in all, you will find the&nbsp, classic dishes of Indian cuisine&nbsp, with all its diversity, that is,&nbsp, from North to South,&nbsp, prepared with&nbsp, imported original spices.&nbsp, It has capacity for over 200 diners. with seating eithr inside or out in a glassed terrace (all year round) or in an outside terrace in the summer months.

Info & Location

City/Province: Estepona

Address: Carretera N-340, 2, 29680 El Paraíso, Málaga.

Type of Food: Indian

Halal options: Full halal food

Services: Take away | Delivery | With terrace

Price: € - €€

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