Its opening in 2003 was a milestone in Granada and the fruit of two decades of effort on the part of the "new" Spanish Muslims, after a hiatus of more than 500 years. Its location is emblematic: at the top of the Albaicín -the historic Muslim quarter- with breathtaking views over the Alhambra. Not only it's a wonderful place for your salats, but also to enjoy a rest and feel that the legacy of Al Andalus is alive.
Info & Location
City/Province: Granada
Type of Experience:
Islamic heritage
Address: Plaza de San Nicolás s/n
Opening hours: Of course, the five daily prayers are performed at their respective times. The congregational prayer 'al Jummu'a' is celebrated at midday on Fridays.  ,
In addition, the gardens are open to the public every day from 11:00h to 19:00h, and the Center for Islamic Studies from 11:00h to 14:00h and from 17:00 to 19:00. ,
Apart from these public visiting hours, the mosque can also organize group visits with a guided tour of the mosque. These tours can be customized to provide educational information to schools and other institutions.
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