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Let´s Go Halal > Barcelona > Hotels and more > Parador de Vic-Sau

Parador de Vic-Sau

This 'parador' that recreates a 'masía' (traditional Catalan country house) ,lies in one of the most beautiful places in the Osona region, 14 km from the medieval town of Vic and 74 km from Barcelona. Surrounded by gardens and forests and facing the blue waters of the Sau wetland, the spot is ideal for relaxing and practicing activities in nature (hiking, swimming, tennis, horse riding ...). It features 38 spacious rooms and terraces with great views.

This 'parador' that recreates a 'masía' (traditional Catalan country house)&nbsp,lies in one of the most beautiful places in the Osona region, 14 km from the medieval town of Vic and 74 km from Barcelona. Surrounded by gardens and forests and facing the blue waters of the Sau wetland, the spot is ideal for relaxing and practicing activities in nature (hiking, swimming, tennis, horse riding ...). It features 38 spacious rooms and terraces with great views.

Info & Location

City/Province: Barcelona


This 'parador' that recreates a 'masía' (traditional Catalan country house) ,lies in one of the most beautiful places in the Osona region, 14 km from the medieval town of Vic and 74 km from Barcelona. Surrounded by gardens and forests and facing the blue waters of the Sau wetland, the spot is ideal for relaxing and practicing activities in nature (hiking, swimming, tennis, horse riding ...). It features 38 spacious rooms and terraces with great views.

Type of Accommodation: Hotel

Category: 4 stars

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