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Let´s Go Halal > Toledo > Things to do > The Cathedral

The Cathedral

Cardenal Cisneros, 1.

Toledo's main church is the&nbsp, second largest cathedral in Spain and, for many, the best example of the Gothic style. Its construction began in 1226, on the Aljama Mosque (erected, in turn, where there was a Visigoth church). In fact, you will&nbsp, find several Islamic elements still persisting in this cathedral. But the French influence is easier to perceive, even from the main gate: it will probably remind you of Notre Dame.  

Info & Location

City/Province: Toledo

Type of Experience: Top attractions

Address: Cardenal Cisneros, 1.

Opening hours: From Monday to Saturday: 10:00 - 18:30. / Sunday: 14:00 - 18:30.On special religious festivities and celebrations, the schedule may change. It can be consulted on the cathedral's website.

Points of interest:

With its double row of seats, the choir is considered by many to be the most impressive of the European cathedrals. Further, the sacristy is a veritable art gallery of old masters, with works by Velázquez, Goya, Tiziano, Caravaggio and, of course, El Greco. The chapels house up to 9 royal tombs. From the bell tower (248 steps) you will have an amazing panoramic view of Toledo.

Price: Visit with tower: € 12,50. Visit without tower: € 10.

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