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Let´s Go Halal > Torrox > Things to do > The homeland of Al Mansur

The homeland of Al Mansur

Abo-Amir Muhammed Ben Abi Amer, better known as Al Mansur, was born in Torrox. Without becoming a caliph -just 'Hayib' (chamberlain)- he ruled Al Andalus from 981 until his death in 1002: he administered the state, reformed the armies, undertook more than 50 wars against the Christian kingdoms and won them all... and became&nbsp,one of the most mythical figures of Al Andalus. In Torrox you will find a bust in his memory.

Info & Location

City/Province: Torrox

Type of Experience: Islamic heritage

Where: You will find the bust of Al Mansur -called Almanzor by the Christians- in the main square of Torrox Pueblo (village), which is the Plaza de la Constitución.

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